Everyone's genealogical needs are different...I'm more than happy to chat with you and work out a research plan for your needs
My fee structure is transparent. Please be assured that as a matter of principle, I never incur additional charges without clearing this with you in advance. To avoid being charged for duplicate work, please provide whatever information you already have on the individual or family to be researched. This includes births, deaths and marriage certificates, known places of residence, sibling information, etc
Please check out my Fees and Charges page.
I'm available for personal tuition.
All personal tuition modules take the most effective and proven approach of "Explain; Demonstrate; Practice". I explain the concept; demonstrate to show you how; then you practice using practical examples.
Getting started in family history research
This 2.5 hour session is conducted in the comfort of your own home and covers:
The basics of family history;
Essential online databases for beginners;
Free family history resources in the A.C.T. or your region of interest;
Where to next.
What you will need: a computer connected to the internet and a notebook and pen if you like to take notes. Rest assured though that I will provide you with notes covering all the major points we discuss. It will also be helpful to gather any information and documents you have before hand. We will use or refer to them during the module.
Hands on commercial database tutorial
$80 per module or $150 for two modules or $210 for three modules
Few people conducting family history research do so without using one or more of the major commercial databases on the internet. These two hour training modules will either get you started or improve your efficiency in using the world's biggest online commercial (i.e. pay to view) resources.
Introduction to Ancestry
Introduction to FindMyPast
Introduction to FamilySearch
Efficient searching of Ancestry
Efficient searching in FindMyPast
What you will need: a laptop or desktop computer connected to the internet.
Searching Australian newspapers online in Trove
Trove is a key resource for family historians researching Australian relatives. Yet many people do not find it immediately intuitive to use. In an hour I will have you up and running using this essential (and free) online resource.
What you will need: a laptop or desktop computer connected to the internet.
Important note
Ipads, tablets and mobile phones are not suitable devices for this type of one-to-one training.
Story telling
I offer a range of other services including:
Oral Histories
$40 per hour - minimum 4 hours
Conducting an oral history interview involves the skill of asking the right questions, the art of careful listening and the ability to accurately transcribe the interview for a readable document to accompany the audio file. It also requires the art of gently bringing the person back if they wander off topic.
In oral histories – particularly those related to family history – questions tend to be quite personal with the interviewer asking more personal and sometimes probing questions about somebody’s intimate past. You can be sure I will do this with great respect and sensitivity.
What you can expect:
An initial consultation about the individual being interviewed and the topic.
Researching and developing relevant questions.
Forwarding you the list of questions before hand (optional if you prefer not to know in advance).
A copy of Oral History Australia - Guidelines of Ethical Practice.
A consent form requesting the individual's permission to conduct the interview.
An interview at your desired location with the individual.
An audio file of the interview.
A transcription of the interview. (Fortunately I'm a fast and very competent typist.)
Audio and transcription files emailed to you unless they prove too big in which case they will be provided on a thumb drive (at an additional cost of $15 including postage).
Organising and documenting your family information in a database or timeline
$40 per hour
Some clients have inherited a treasure trove of family history information and artefacts and they don’t have the time, inclination or skills to organise and document it. Yet neither do they want to just throw it away and are looking for someone to do the hard yards for them. I would be delighted to help you with this important project.
Everyone's genealogical needs are different
Need something else?
Family history research is such a broad topic and there are so many ways to slice and dice the work into manageable and affordable chunks. If you don't see precisely what you are looking for on these pages, please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your specific needs.